Part time Prof. Sanjay Dwivedi alongwith 160 Undergrad Final students in 10 competing teams, created 5 Business ideas from a real Hi Technology company from its 5 Industry centric 24 products. We had the support of VIRTUAL Advisors from across the globe and CXO level judges, who volunteered their time to give blunt feedback on all the presentations. The Design and Course was found to be >90% useful by a sample test. So...Its back to the Prof. being a facilitator/mentor to guide and inspire (Chanakya or Dronacharya doing group teach sessions in forests or gardens stylee) ..thereby relegating the importance of University Buildings and Infra in Universities to a "shared resource" only like an UBER or OYO Rooms commodity.
Why not BOOK facilities in Universities as with co-working spaces? Why not carry your course notes on your smart phone to a forest, seaside or mountain trek with the students and RAISE their energy and vibration level at the same time?? Why are we STILL stuck in buildings as educators and students???.
Its an earthquake for the education delivery industry (and they don't know it). Their clients (Millenial Students) REQUIRE entrepreneur in residence chair's which are properly funded to attract the BEST as this space...maybe as boxing great Mohd. Ali used to say "we shook up da world!!!"
Part time Prof. Sanjay Dwivedi alongwith 160 Undergrad Final students in 10 competing teams, created 5 Business ideas from a real Hi Technology company from its 5 Industry centric 24 products. We had the support of VIRTUAL Advisors from across the globe and CXO level judges, who volunteered their time to give blunt feedback on all the presentations. The Design and Course was found to be >90% useful by a sample test. So...Its back to the Prof. being a facilitator/mentor to guide and inspire (Chanakya or Dronacharya doing group teach sessions in forests or gardens stylee) ..thereby relegating the importance of University Buildings and Infra in Universities to a "shared resource" only like an UBER or OYO Rooms commodity.
Why not BOOK facilities in Universities as with co-working spaces? Why not carry your course notes on your smart phone to a forest, seaside or mountain trek with the students and RAISE their energy and vibration level at the same time?? Why are we STILL stuck in buildings as educators and students???.
Its an earthquake for the education delivery industry (and they don't know it). Their clients (Millenial Students) REQUIRE entrepreneur in residence chair's which are properly funded to attract the BEST as this space...maybe as boxing great Mohd. Ali used to say "we shook up da world!!!"