All Categories - Startup consulting, corporate training & Women Entrepreneurship
2019年9月24日 ·
Big4 is a glamorous aspiration for budding CA's and other experts. However anyone who has faced a...
THEME : "Sushant School of Art and Architecture and Aζ will host a closed-door meeting to explore...
2018年3月10日 ·
For 30+ years in USA, techies and vineyard ownership became a standard operating procedure...You...
After working on 100+ Start-up business models over the years, I was invited by the USD$Billion...
Part time Prof. Sanjay Dwivedi alongwith 160 Undergrad Final students in 10 competing teams,...
"Helicopter Moms" is a prejorative term that "Former Executive Founders-but-still-Shareholders"...
2017年6月18日 ·
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a bipolar conversation in a world about to transform totally by...
2017年2月28日 ·
The Japantoday definition “Omotenashi” involves the subjugation of self in service to a guest,...